Environmental policy

Green On environmental policy


Ever since the formation of Green-On Limited in August 2008 the directors & staff have understood the effect of their operations on the environment.

To this end, everyone is committed to; prevent pollution, conserve energy and recycle waste as much as possible.

The company’s basic business policy of “continuous improvement” is applied equally to our responsibility to the environment as it is to our overall business strategy.

We only use “process-less” plates on our Heidelberg printing machines.Thereby completely removing the need for any related environmentally harmful chemistry.

We only print on stocks obtained from sustainable sources. We only use vegetable based inks and are currently investigating the reduction of alcohol usage on our presses. All waste ink is removed by an accredited supplier.

We segregate and recycle all waste paper.

Waste rags and used printing plates are collected for recycling by accredited suppliers.

We have installed light sensors throughout the factory, whereby only areas being worked in are correctly lit.

In 2010 we replaced our existing heating system with a new inverter roundflow cassette system. This system is estimated to be in excess of 30% more energy efficient.

Green-On Limited

6 Orchard Business Centre North Farm Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 3XF